Thursday, June 17, 2010

V for Alphabe-Thursday

I pondered upon the "V". I thought about my Dyson Vacuum which I love.
I thought about varacous vein, but, eew. My SIL's (ugh) name is Vickie, I've been to Vancouver BC, its beautiful...but then I remembered a couple of posts ago, I mentioned that we are living life like we are on VACATION...Thats my word.
The picture above is in Santa Monica. We were having lunch at Wolfgang Pucks, outside, and this lady was singing right below us, she was wonderful

Stacey bought these seashells at Seal Beach and made this darling dish to hold her earrings

Oh the freeways around LA. I-5, 210, 710, 605, 2, 101, 1, 110, 57, 60. 10, 22, 71,15 and the list goes on and on.

This colorful bird was at the Aquarium that we went to last week

This colorful ferris wheel was at Balboa Island.
Hope you enjoyed my Vacation living, in So. California~
To visit more "V"'s
Please visit our teacher, Jenny Matlock, she has so many wonderful
students that go out of their way to come up with their own words.


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Oh soo colorful! Love the daisy too. Have a sunshinny day, OK?

Adrienne said...

So glad you're enjoying your 'vacation' - wish mine hadn't ended. We can't wait to retire so decided to 'practice' retirement once in awhile and get away more often. Love your photos and Stacey's earring holder.

Connie said...

Isn't it fun living in California? I love it and always anticipate our trips back to visit kids.

lissa said...

sounds like a lovely "vacation", I like the seashell dish, now if only I can do the same thing

Anonymous said...

Your vacation looks like a lot of fun.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Glad that you have found a way to live life to the fullest! I enjoyed your picture of the colorful ferriswheel and the vibrant parrot!!

jeff campbell said...

Nice topic for "V". Vacationland can be a fine place to be:-) Peace and blessings

jen said...

So laughing at your SIL comment!
Wish I could live life like a vacation--maybe after all my monkeys are gone!

Natasha in Oz said...

My post features the same bird that you featured but I couldn't get a very good shot of it! I love Rainbow Lorikeets-we get them everywhere here.

Great photographs!

Best wishes,

Cheryl said...

I love Balboa Island and my oldest friend's mom lives in Seal Beach. Hey, we're practically related.

I thought your post was going to be about Maine, which is known as Vacationland. This was cool too.

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Sounds like life in LA is agreeing with you.....I envy the sunshine!
I recently received this award and would like to share with you:

mrs. c said...

Lovely photos, I would love to be on the ferris wheel! You are having a great vacation and I am so jealous!

Jo said...

Sounds like you are living the dream! Keep having fun!

Viki said...

I think everyone should live their life like they are on vacation. That would be so wonderful. Great V post.

Claudia Schlottman said...

The shell dish is very lovely, and I am glad your vacation is going so well. (I am a little jealous of the Wolfgang Puck lunch)!

The Joy of Nesting said...

Oh Little Miss,

I'm sooooo proud of you guys!!!! Life is soooo good once you start living it just one today at a
Time!! :)

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah! Vacation is a wonderful V word and what great ones you are sharing! I would love to be vacationing now :o) (I also love your white Gerber daisy on your header).

Blessings & Aloha!
(trying to get to more "V" posts. My blog reading time is so limited!)

Jenny said...

What a fun and relaxing stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "V"!

I like how you live each day as a vacation. Good for you!

It really made me smile to stop here today!

Thank you for linking!
