Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hodge Podge of Greeness

GREEN Palm frons against the bluest of skys, I never get tired of seeing it
A portion of a fern class this week is GREEN. How cool is that picture above.
It was in a "lighthouse" style building and it was reflecting the green behind us.

This isn't the best picture of a little green fence...but it works for "green"!

This is where we went over the weekend. It was just beautiful. Please check out other delightful greens at Jenny Matlocks classroom

And then there is the sweetest kitty Poodie Pood, he knows where a cozy pillow is~


Connie said...

I get the feeling you're having waaaaay too much fun in California, chick! LOL

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Wow- that first photo is sooo cool! Great green ya got there..

Jo said...

wonderful green post and i just adore that first photo ... that is beauty!


Great green photos! Particularly loved the cat.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

We have plenty of palm fronds on this side of the world but haven't seen such blue skies in a while. Too much humidity in the air and high flying dust. Love your sweet kittie as he looks like our Jingles.

I need a super duper zoom like your camera. Fabulous.

Have a great day! :) Tammy

Unknown said...

Love all your green photos :) I love seeing green everywhere too. It's so calming. I really like the third photo of the green through the bricks. I just really love the composition of the photo!

Lola said...

Love the green pics - and especially adore the cat! Great post!

Have a great weekend too,


btw My own AlphabeThursday Green is posted if you can stop by HERE!

Anonymous said...

I love the green signs. What a fun post!

Lola said...

Love those palm fronds - great green post!

Have a great weekend too,


PS My AlphabeThursday Green is posted if you can join me HERE!

Tina said...

Loved the picture in the lighthouse!

Christy said...

I liked all your pictures but the one of the white building with green showing through was really neat!

Anonymous said...

I love that green fence. I must say the kitty is cute too! Great hodge podge.


Terra said...

Simply wonderful!

CailinMarie said...

your greens are pretty

Christi S said...

Love it! I especially like the photo with the green showing through the lighthouse style cutout!

Jenny said...

What a beautiful link to Rainbow Summer Schools journey through the color green.

I love that little brick edged window, too. It's charming. Like a princess should be peeking out of there.

What a lovely set of photos!

Thank you for linking Laurie!
