Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another Magnificent Day

I'll start with yesterday...I had to go get some "parts" so after I left the store, I made a wrong turn...I ended up at this little airport in Upland, Ca. I parked my car outside the gate, got out, I wanted to take a good photo of the snow capped Mountain. This guy was on the other side, asked me if I wanted to come in and take pictures of the airplanes...uh, yes!!!! So, Frank, let me in the gate as I took a few photos. I told him that it was Stacey that loves to take plane photos,

so, Frank said to come back today, he would let us in. We did. He gave us a golf cart and told us we could go anywhere we wanted. When we were done, he had us get on a "deluxe" golf cart and he took us into hangers and places we hadn't gone. It was a hoot. Look at that sky!!!
It is Magnificent!!!!

between the two of us, we took 200 photos, we got an education on airplanes!

I love when surprises happen

Have I mentioned lately....

Its Magnificent!!!
To check out other "M" words,
please visit Mrs. Matlock, our teacher, shes over at

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Tracy said...

Love this - so happy and very Magnificent!

Adrienne said...

You just have a way of finding the most fun things down there, my friend! I'm amazed. Thanks for sharing your incredible excursion with us.

jfb57 said...

A very appropriate 'M'! Well done!

Susan Anderson said...



PS. I am from So. California, but now I live up North.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful views you must have had while flying!

Theresa Plas said...

You gotta love Frank! What a sweetheart! So awesome when surprises like this happen. I share your appreciation of that magnificent sky and love, love part of California that I've been lucky enough to visit:)

Jo said...

what an amazing opportunity you had! i love the picture of the sky ... that one is gorgeous!

Judie said...

Wonderful pictures! What a treat!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Awesome pics, awesome scenery!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Jenny said...

Wow. You're soooo right. This is wonderfully majestic.

I loved the story, too. What a cool guy!

You. Are. So. Neat. Laurie.

You actually inspired one of my New Years plans for 2011. Explore where I live a whole lot more!

Thanks for linking.

You are really a-Mazing!
