Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday morning update

Thank you to everyone that wished me well. I thought about what I was going to say on my blog this morning as I was waking up. I decided to leave out what a horrible experience this ordeal was. I am thankful it is over, but my eyes are still swollen, I can barely see out of them. It hurts to blink...The vicadon...hummm didn't really take the pain away, didn't put me to sleep, I'm not impressed! My best friend has been a frozen bag of peas, to try to keep the swelling down. Well, my kitty's wanted my bag of peas, one of them grabbed a corner and ran off with them. I was laughing so I grabbed the bag before they got off the bed with it. I thought I would open it up so they could see it really wasn't anything they wanted...well, those critters... LOVED them. they were eating the frozen peas like they were the best desert! Pretty funny. Well, I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh Laurie, ouch!! You sweet lady, you'll feel so much better when the swelling subides :) Too funny about the peas!! We are having a giggle imagining this scene!! Take care :) J & J

  2. Hi there Laurie, Double ouch!! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!! cannot wait to get my latest lil' sweetie!! mandii

  3. Sounds rough, but thanks for the funny story about the peas! Take care! I hope the swelling goes away quickly!

  4. Hi Laurie,
    HOpe you are feeling better and the swelling has gone down! That's no fun at all!!
    At least your kitties have given you something to smile about!
    Kathy :)

  5. Hope you are feeling better very soon!
