Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Funk, not funky

This is a watercolor painting I did last year...I just love it

Its been strange, I just haven't had it in me to do any creating. I didn't think to much about it. I've been so busy turning over apts, it wears me out...that doesn't usually stop me. I feel like the battery in the Energizer Bunny finally went out. I visited this blog (
..and low and behold, there is a name for it...Funk...I'm in a funk and I don't think I'm the only one. I've decided not to beat myself up about it and just take a little break and take it easy.
I think I'll just play with my photos, I enjoy it, I hope you do to.


  1. Laurie I must be in a funk also. I still do not have my tree up, i've made plans to put it up several times but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe soon???

  2. I know what you mean, I used to love painting but I am definately in a funk enough to give it up I just dont know what to paint anymore and I wasnt any ways as close to as great as you are..I love your work!!

  3. Sometimes it is a good idea to take a step away, and come back to a hobby when you miss it. Or maybe learning a whole new type of craft would re-energize you and get you going again.

  4. Oh Little Miss,

    Tis the season!! You have the best plan. Let it go it'll come back when the time is right. Besides you little ninny just what do you call your "photo playing" if not creating??? :) Sooooo play away I can't wait to get my camera!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  5. I think all Artists get that way sometimes. Just enjoy other things right now, and let yourself replenish :) Hugs :) :)

    ps, the snowmen in the tea cups are WAY sweet :)

  6. Good for you! Glad you're just stepping back to enjoy something that's becoming a passion for you. I decided to really simplify Christmas this year - decorations, food, entertaining, gifts. Everything. Today I decided that the tree is as decorated as it will probably be when the kids and grandkids arrive on Saturday to celebrate Christmas together. I've decided we don't need to add all the extra beads and baubles. It will just be great to be together and share our love for each other. In a funk? Maybe. Maybe not. Just being practical and stepping back from things that can 'drive' us so we can relax and enjoy things that have captured our attention for awhile.

    P.S. - Love your little snowpeople painting!

  7. I am sooo with you one this one..this whole year has been hard and it's almost over- whew..and I have had you and your wonderful art to enjoy and that's been such a pleasure. These snowmen in teacups has to be my all time favorite- love what you do, so if you need time to re-charge those batteries, you just go ahead..I'll look forward to more wonderful, happy pieces in 2010!

  8. Laurie!!! You are one lucky lady! Not only am I sending my congrats on your cuisinart thing you won, but I'm looking at all these magazines on the right sidebar that show where your art can be seen! WOW! You GO girl! You are awesome! (((Hugs)))!!!
    ~TattingChic ♥
