Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Birdies, Heart, Roses

I took one of those 6" precut heavy chip board from Micheals. After Gessoing both sides then
adding a layer of med. and another coat of Gesso I then using Golden Fluid Acrylics like watercolors, I painted this I jumping the gun a bit?? I am soooo ready for spring,
How sweet would this be for a Valentine decoration?? The polka dots are painted using Pearl paint. I added more layers using watercolor crayons.
I couldn't leave the other side plain...of course not, I painted these 3 roses, adding the pearl
polk-a-dots. To finish it off, I coated each side with bees wax
I'm listing this on my Etsy
Free Shipping
My weekend was nice and quiet, it was so nice to get my paints out and play
with colors.


  1. NEVER too early for spring...or your beautiful creations :-)

  2. Ahhh Little Miss,

    Sounds like you guys had a nice Christmas and a well deserved quiet weekend!! Well you know it's never to early for warm weather for me. I don't care how pretty that evil white stuff is!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. This is my first visit to your blog and what a delight it is! I love your etsy item and went there straight away. I look forward to reading more on your blog. Nice to meet you.


  4. Hello Laurie, Your creations are always very beautiful. Love them all. Hugs Judy

  5. Laurie, those times when "nothing is happening" in our creative brains is sooooo scary! But I guess they're supposed to happen so we can rejuvenate! Who knows! We all go through this and we'd rather not, but isn't it WONDERFULLY FABULOUS to get back into a groove and just allow those inspirations to flow off our fingers! Nothing like it! I can't imagine why anyone would want to skydive or climb mountains, but to each his own! Me, I'd rather MAKE something, be productive, see the results in a creative project. I can see you're that way too!

    Everything's beautiful!
