Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pink Rose

I found this last pink rose. I blurred the background, added some texture and some swirls.


  1. OMG Little Miss this is my absolute favorite of all your photo work!!!! It's so quietly beautiful!!!!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

    PS the camera hadn't arrived when JD left on Monday :( SOOOOOOB

  2. This rose photo was significant for me today. My friends mom is turning 94 today and she is failing quite fast. both Carole and her mom Darlene loved pink roses. This was a bit bittersweet for me tonight, but also, in perfect timing. Blessings on this winter night.

  3. This is wonderful in color and nostalgic! Will you also try D J Pettit's antiqued/sepia look?

    Thank you for your kind words about my blog!

  4. the swirls are so much fun; lovely.
