Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm An Addict!

Now I've done it! I cant help myself...I have an addiction problem! I can't stop and I don't really want to!! I'm signing up for another Photoshop Class!! All in the name of FUN!! Check it out!


  1. Oh, you've done it now! You're hooked, for sure! Glad you're enjoying your new skills. Can't wait to see what else you come up with. ~Adrienne~

  2. This pioture is my very favorite so far and I can see how much talent you are expressing in your creations. I am excited for you! I took some classes at a local college when I got Photoshop CS. I loved it but I have gotten to beading and can't seem to find the hours it takes to have three
    Great work!

  3. Oh Laurie, I can see why!!!! This is so gorgeous!!! I absolutely love the text that is barely there ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  4. Hello Laurie, You are doing a fantastic job with the techniques you have learned in your photos classes. Lovely work. I just bought a book with CD on photo shop elements too so we shall see what I can do. Hugs Judy

  5. Oooooooooooh, I love that photo!!! Great work! Thanks so much for posting on my blog about me being included in the Lark Books 500 Art Quilts. And yes, I hope to get my mom up and running with Photoshop layers. Next time I see her we will do an in-person class! :-)

  6. All is not lost Little Miss,

    The first step is to admit that you have a problem :) And I'm almost for sure that there is a twelve step program for people with your type of problem! :) But honestly I'm with you, why quit when you are having so much fun. Besides your skills are growing by leaps and bounds!!! You rock sis!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.
