Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not Good

Going to be taking a little bit of a blogging break, my dad had a stroke today. He went in to have a cast removed off his wrist and it happened while he was there. I will mention. I am not close to my dad, he has chosen not to speak to me for the last 11 years. It is my mom I'm worried about right now. She is blind, and a diabetic, had a massive heart attach a few years ago. She is so fragile. My dad has verbally and mentally abused her for 61 years and yet she wants to be by his side. This is
hard for me.


  1. I am so sorry to hear this...I know how you feel...only I got a call after 11 years to have someone tell me my dad had passed away...just like that...no words, no reconciliation, no nothing. I am here to tell you the pain from that is so hard to live with...even if it was his choice. I will be praying for you during this hard time in your life....and for your mom too! Blessings.

  2. I've got ya covered for prayer, sugar. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I can only imagine how your mom is feeling. I wish YOU well, sweetpea.
    xoxo and hugs,

  3. oh, sweet~ you are in my thoughts and prayers during this time.

  4. I am praying for you and your family too, i wish you all the strength for the next while. It is such a hard time, I watched my Dad verbally abuse everyone right up until my Mom passed away. It's very difficult for me to feel anything for him except that he is my father... Take care honey and know that your friends are here for you!!!
    Margaret B

  5. I am sorry your in a tough situation.
    Sending good vibes your way along with prayers.

  6. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear this.. I personally know how hard it is when your parent chooses not to speak to you.. You are so right.. your mother needs you now. Your love and support will help her through this. I wish I could be there and wrap you with a big hug.. know they are coming through cyber land.. Many prayers will be said as well... let us know when you can and feel up to it. Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you get back. many hugs and prayers... ~lynne~

  7. Little Miss,

    Know that all your kindred sisters are right here and will keep you in our hearts and thoughts for as long as you need us!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan mx.

  8. I can so relate....never liked my father..let alone "Love" him....he was a very mean man..but, when he passed, he gave me a gift....that of forgiveness......I needed to forgive him so I could move on.....

    Heart Hugs,

  9. Dear Laurie, please feel all the love and hugs I'm sending your way. Many prayers will be said for your dad, and for all your family.

    Big TX Hugs and Prayers,
    Angelic Accents

  10. My father verbally abused my precious Momma for 64 years and said she would die before him because she couldn't live without him. She lived for a whole year finally free of his abuse. I did not go when I found he was dieing because I was "on his list" instead I took care of Momma and rejoiced that she had that year of independence. I KNOW how you feel and I promise to keep you in my prayers in the coming days...blessings, dear one, may God heal the hurt enough that you will KNOW you are loved by the best Father of all...God YOUR heavenly Father.

  11. Oh, Laurie - My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight. I just wish I was close enough to give you a good in-person hug! My heart hurts for you - and for your mother. With loving hugs, ~Adrienne~

  12. Lifting you and your family up in prayer. I'm so sorry. This must be so hard for you.


  13. You and your family are in my prayers. Such a tough situation for all of you.

  14. Oh my gosh, Laurie. I am so sad to hear all of this. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'll keep you there.


  15. Sending you a hug. You will be in my prayers. Take care of yourself!

  16. Please know you all will be in my prayers - you for strength, your Mom for peace and your Dad for recovery - both physical and spritually.
    Hugs my dear freind and please know we are here for you.

  17. Please know you all will be in my prayers - you for strength, your Mom for peace and your Dad for recovery - both physical and spritually.
    Hugs my dear freind and please know we are here for you.

  18. Oh Laurie, I am so sorry. Take care of your family and yourself. We will see you whe you return!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. Happy to hear you are going to support your mother.
    Take care

  20. So sorry, Laurie. Such a heartache for you.....

  21. Praying for you... for the strength these times so often need. Many of us know and understand your words~ please know many of us are keeping you tight in our thoughts & prayers.


  22. Treat others the way you wish to be treated

  23. I am so sorry. Sending you hugs and hope that you can move from hurt to healing.

  24. I remember reading this post last week and am surprised to find that I did not leave a comment. I hope your father is feeling better and that you and your Mom are handling this well. Keep your spirits up.
