Friday, January 15, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday. I started with this rose above...then after playing around in Photoshop
I got it to look like this.
We've got some adjusting to do...our daughter was just laid off her job.
I know that if one door shuts another will open. But, boy, does it ever
hurt when hits your butt when it slams shut.


  1. Oh! Not good, Laurie - job layoffs!
    My younger daughter had to take a pay cut this year. Not good either.
    Like you door closes and another opens but it sure is painful waiting for the doorknob to turn!

    Your photos continue to be more and more beautiful. I wish the online class I took had not been so daunting.

    I am still trying, but with other people. One task at a time...simple ones. I just wish someone would explain to me as we go along, WHY we are performing a certain PS function. No one has. So that makes everything even more complicated. I'm going to begin at the beginning - again!

    Just keep on doing what you're doing! Beautiful work! And you're starting off with beautiful photos to begin with. You have a good eye.


  2. Praying for your daughter - and for you - in this change in her life. And praying for another job to open soon. One she will be so glad to have that she will see it as a blessing. ~Adrienne~

  3. Boy, did you do a beautiful job with that rose, sugar!!!! I'm still working on my skills. I'll be getting it soon.

    Sorry about your daughter, but she'll find something I'm sure. Terrible out there though.


  4. Your rose effect was so pretty! I'm hoping your daughter will find work again soon too! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

  5. The rose is lovely in both photos! Best of luck to your daughter. You are so right it sure does hurt something fierce when that door hits your butt as it slams shut!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  6. Gorgeous roses. Love the altered one.

    Doors. Yep, that same one hit us several years ago. But we are living proof that the saying "if one door shuts another will open" is not only true, but can be a blessing.

    Hugs to you and yours,

  7. ♫Happy Pink Saturday♫

    Gloomy and gray over in my neck of the woods today so all of the pinks shared this Saturday are so special and cheerful. They remind me that there are more colors than just white, gray and black.Your pinks are wonderful! My goodness - so special☺ I've got to play with PhotoShop!

    I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine surrounded by the laugher of those you love.

    Please pray for the people of Haiti. May God bless each and every soul.

  8. Hi Laurie!

    Love the pink rose--good job!

    Happy pink day...

    Stop to see you!


  9. Hi Laurie!

    Love the pink rose--good job!

    Happy pink day...

    Stop to see you!


  10. Hi Laurie!

    Love the pink rose--good job!

    Happy pink day...

    Stop to see you!


    p.s. also will say a prayer for you all!e

  11. Laurie,

    You are so right about one door closing and then a window opens. I hope it is sooner rather than later that your daughter finds another job.

    What a lovely pink Saturday post. I'm an avid gardener so I really enjoy the roses.


  12. Lovely Rose! You did great with photo shop! I am so sorry about your daughter. I have actually had some great life changes by loosing a job. I know, after the shock (and the how will I pay the bills) wears off it will be ok. And I do hope something really great comes from it!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  13. boy oh boy - that rose is amazing! I've missed readong you and seeing your works but I'm back and will take time to see what I have missed :-)

  14. With having to move this past year.. oh boy, do I know THAT feeling! My heart and prayers go out for her, as she just hangs in there, and I'm wishing her the best of luck for new doors to open to even better things ahead!... Love the Photoshop effect! I have never worked with it, but REMEMBER wanting it YEARS ago! It STILL looks like fun!... Happy Pink Saturday, Laurie, and hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  15. It looks like it has a fabric feel or a painting. Nice one!

    AS to your daughter, the quote is very positive and I agree too but you're right, when you are still in the moment - very fresh . . . But it'll pass.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  16. Beautiful picture of the rose. Sorry to hear about the job layoff... come over and read my sunday scripture for some inpriation.
