Saturday, January 9, 2010

Zebra Print Painted Wall

It all started with a blank wall. I drew on a zebra print
Then I called in the troops to start filling in the X marked areas.
Stacey, Katlyn and I painted this in 3 hours, not bad.
This room belongs to this 17 year old Katlyn
This is the first coat
Finished room, I wanted you to get a visual as to how large we made this, by showing it next to the door.. Katlyn was thrilled.


  1. Wow! If I ever need a zebra wall - or anything else, I'll call you. You're the best! ~Adrienne~

  2. Wooo Little Miss,

    I'm lovin it!!! And I can't say I've ever used those two words in the same sentence before!! I think it's the red wall that makes it work!!!

    I don't know about you but I'm so glad my kids are past the unique ways of expressing their individuality!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. What a great wall.. kids have a fun way of letting us know there's a great big world out there to explore, it's always nice to bring it inside..hugs ~lynne~

  4. Good job and great Mom points for that painting!


  5. Remember when they were little and you punish them if they did this, honey?!?! They must have thought mummy has gone nuts letting them do now what you NEVER EVER would have when they were babies! LOL LOL It turned out darling also.
    Connie :-)

  6. That turned out really cool and funky. Good job. Happy Belated Pink Saturday.

  7. This is awesome! i'm 16 and i'm doing one of the walls in my room the same way only i'm going to put the black zebra print on one of my purple walls then i'm going to leave all of the other walls plain purple. You helped me figure out out to do it the right way though! thanks!
