Monday, February 1, 2010

Life is about having a bit of fun!!

I hope you follow along with me as I explore the world of digital photo manipulation...
Everyday I learn new things in Photoshop. When I want to learn something...and this goes
for just about anything that I want to learn. I find as many classes as I can, take from as many different people as I can, then I take what I learn and do my own thing.
I took my first photoshop class from Susan Tuttle awhile back. It was soooo new to me, it took
me forever to "understand" the language. I looked a photoshop books, it was greek to me.
Right now I'm taking the very extensive class with DJ Pettitt...I then realized there was soooo
much more and the wonders of Photoshop just filled my heart. Then I went to Boarders
again and read books. I am beginning to understand, the more I learn, the more I want to learn So, now with this next set of classes of is soooo much easier and faster
I am in love with Photoshop Elements 8...what can I say!!


  1. OH My Gosh Little Miss,

    I can't wait to see all that you master with this set of classes!!!

    I just spent all day with Dulce scrapping orange paint of the walls in the little soon to be girly/girl room!!! The previous owners didn't let the painters thin the paint (cuz you don't thin it up north) so now it peels off in hunks just like wall paper!! :) WAY TO MUCH FUN!!!!!! Okay nuff whining. I'm still looking forward to pictures of homework!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Plus you feel so accomplished as you learn more and more! Good for you! Keep it up...

  3. Ah..the eye of the artist! You see tings not for what they are, but what they can be :-)
