Saturday, February 27, 2010


I am writing this with shaking hands and heart. This morning we woke to beautiful sunshine.
We made the decision to go to Sisters. Wonderful little town two hours away, up and over the "pass" to Eastern Oregon. Stacey was driving and when we were almost to the top of the pass, at Hoodoo Stacey moved over to the center lane which is a designated passing lane for going up the hill. She hit loose gravel and fish tailed BADLY then started to slow down in the on-coming lane, a two tanker truck was almost on us which would have been a head on collision, Stacey hit the gas to get out of the lane, it also put us back on the loose gravel. We started spinning around and around.
When we came to a stop we were turned around, but facing the opposite direction. There was a turn out area right she was able to get us off the road. Whew. We all got out, totally shaken up. I have NEVER been so scarred in my life. I felt soooo bad for Stacey, but we kept
praising her for getting us out of the situation, no one was injured. Before we piled back in the car.
(husband took over the driving) we saw a large SUV in the same lane that Stacey was in, he was going very fast and we both said....oh! he neeeeds to slow dowwwwn!!!
We got back on the road, got to the top of the summit, came around the corner.....and the
SUV was upside down in the middle of the road. ooooh, we both cried for them. We saw a baby seat smashed in the back seat and diaper bag that was thrown out.
We are home, and safe now, but I think I'll go take a shower and have a melt down.
How quickly our lives can change in an instant!!


  1. OMG I am so glad you are okay!!! How scary for you! That is way too close, thank you God for keeping you safe!
    Margaret B

  2. Oh I am soo sorry! That is hard. I do hope the other people are ok! That is just way too scary. Have a nice soak and relax. I know it will take a while!
    Hugs and prayers, Lisa

  3. You are very blessed, honey, to have not been killed. When we go over the Blues and Snoqualamie in WA. we go very cautiously. It's treacherous without looking like it. Glad to hear you're safe and sound. I think they would have had to "clean" me up if that had been us. With the death of our son-in-law suddenly last May I can attest to how a life can change in a proverbial "heartbeat"!

  4. Hi Laurie, it sure sounds like the Good Lord was watching over you all, WHEW! Close one - what happened with that SUV that flipped? We have traveled over that pass many times and it can get really scarry! What did you see in Sisters? Go to the quilt shop? It's my favorite! Well, now thaqt you've had a shower don't you feel better? Have a great week,

  5. OMG what a scare for you
    Great to hear you are all ok

  6. Sounds like your angels were working this past weekend *smiles*. Glad you are able to write about the outcome . . . even if it IS with shaky hands and heart.

  7. Oh, Laurie, I'm shaking just reading this! I'm so thankful you were all OK. I lived in Bend, just beyond Sisters, when I was a little girl and we went over that pass all the time to come to the Valley. Even as a child the pass scared me. I know God was watching over you and He directed Stacey. Hugs, ~Adrienne~

  8. That's terrible! What happened to the baby? I can't stand it when drivers of SUVs think they are riding on magic carpets, instead of very heavy, dangerous vehicles. Inclement driving conditions and bad roadways affect ALL drivers. I hope there were no fatalities.

  9. So true, Laurie. Just a second, that's all it takes. Stacy did some quick thinking and maneuvering! Thank God you're all ok. It makes your legs turn to jelly, doesn't it.

  10. For Heaven Sakes, Little Miss!!!

    I don't check on you one day just one day and this is what happens!!!

    OH MY GOD, I'm so relieved the 3 of you are all okay!!! And not this morning LW asked how you guys where doing, what you were up to and I flippantly said OH FINE, she's busy pitching and sorting!!!

    Stay SAFE Please!!
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  11. Dear Laurie, oh goodness, I'm sooo glad you are all okay! We know first hand how horrifying this can be. 8 yrs. ago this next week we lost both of my husband's parents in a head-on collision that took 3 lives and injured 3 others severely. God was certainly protecting you!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  12. I know exactly how you feel, it is awful when loosing control of a car. Glad that nothing happened but I bet your guardian angels were working overtime.

    I recently hit snow that had blown on the road and ended up loosing control of my car and skidding over the other side of the road into a field and a meter of snow. I was really shocked too and thankfully there were no cars in the other lane.

    I bet you were shaken up for a few days after this episode, it really puts the fragility of life into perspective.
