Monday, February 22, 2010

The Power...

I really wasn't prepared to blog tonight...but I got rather excited...about... the power...
of EBAY. I am asked all the time why I sell through ebay instead of etsy. Well, here is the best goodness. The little doll ...328 people looked at her in 7 days. 22 bids. oh my goodness!!! $155 there is NO WAY I would have gotten that, or asked for that on etsy.
So, I just had to share my little good fortune today. Yippee!! I'll be listing a bunch more goodies, I just haven't had time, I'll let you know so you can watch the fun with me!!

oh, on a sad note...a sweet gal from Switzerland had been bidding on her from the start, she lost out in the last few minutes, I felt bad...the other rather odd thing, the lady who bought it, just lives an hour away...what are the chances???


  1. Well done! Enjoy your proceeds! That is great! I lost the sewing machine. I wasn't able to bid more. I'll keep looking for one!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Great news! Doncha just love when you're on the "other" end of the sale?!

  3. I'm so happy that your sweet little doll did so well. Hoping your other things will do as well!

  4. I've been meaning to try ebay one of these days. Congratulations on the sale!

  5. Adorable doll, and sweet sale! Congrats!
