Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thought for the Day

Just listed this on My Ebay. It would work into some altered art. That was my intention.
oops, a little blurry...but it does say "09
does this mean 1909 or 1809 ???
Its says German Silver

Cute little Betsy Ross just listed
Someone sent this to me this morning...Thought for the day:
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible


  1. Hi Laurie,
    Love your thought for the day! Made me laugh.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Thought for the day...perfect! Don't mess with us women!

  3. Oh man I can just see all the cool ideas you had for your oh so well loved bag!!! I'd say 1909 wouldn't you??? To much machine pressed work to be pre industrial age. No matter it's awesome!! I've just got to stop coming by for peeks cuz it's getting me into way to much lust for my own good!!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.
