Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pink Saturday continues

I couldn't wait until next week to show my pink blossoms. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, which will probably knock off all the blossoms. I cant wait to play with this photo, in photoshop. We had a spectacular sunny SPRING day today.


  1. Beautimous Little Miss!!!

    We are having our one day of winter I think!!! :( Have to go find the banket for the bed!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday, Laurie! Ohhh that is such a wonderful photo! I love cherry blossoms and dogwoods in the spring!

    I'm running late this pink day so my post went up rather late! I hope you can still pop over for a visit!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Wasn't it a marvelous day yesterday? I loved it - today is starting out the same even though the forecast says it will change later on. Your flowers are gorgeous. I've been enjoying them as I drive around our little town. See you real soon - can't wait!

  4. Beautiful blooms, I love the flowers of fruit trees, they are so delicate. Happy PS

  5. How wonderful, signs of Spring. There is no sign of Spring here today, snowing.
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"
