Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday "O"

This is a Wed/Thurs post. O....oh my aching back!!! I OVER did it!!! really. Lifting, pushing, shoving, moving!
We got the truck loaded! It was pouring rain. Here are the rest of my O's
O -Organize- I cant wait to organize all my crafting supplies. Now that I have gone through everything, and kept only what is important...well, mostly important, a few things I just couldn't part with.
O - Ocean- We are going to be closer to the Ocean, nice beaches.
O - Opportunity- A New Opportunity was given to us and we are grabbing it.
O - Off...we are off. Off to California. We're On the move. Check in on Saturday for my Pink Saturday, my plan is to have some California Photos!!


  1. O - O - yay the move is on.
    Looking forward to seeing some pics

  2. You bet I'll check in on Saturday! Wild horses won't keep me away. Just a week ago Betty and I were with you and it hardly seems possible that the week went so fast. You are going on a wonderful new adventure and I can't wait to hear all about it.
    Hugs and more hugs,

  3. Okay! hopefully you can have a long hot soak in the tub...with epsom salts to soothe your sore muscles.

  4. Good Luck in California, Laurie - sorry we never had the chance to get together for lunch nor met at the Back Porch. We recently moved from California to Washington State and would never move back. It's a neat place to live - always tons to do - but we love the life we are building here and love (love, love !) the diversity of the weather ... Travel safe ... Blessings, Patti

  5. Good luck on the moving and the new start...making one myself...but not in CA..

  6. You so need to make one of my Ouch Relief Socks!

  7. Sorry it rained on you as you were trying to pack everything in the truck! Have a great trip and see you when you post from California!!

  8. Have a great trip! Enjoy the move ... well, as much as possible!

  9. When your back is rested and your all organized will you come organie me?

  10. OH, I'm so excited for you.

    And so sorry your back is killing you.

    I see you driving West toward the morning sun with a smile and an icepack on your back!

    Thanks for sharing your excitement on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "O"!

    Hope you feel better soon!


  11. good luck on the organizing and all the other o words that went with the move.......

  12. Moving is never easy. Good luck on your move to California.

  13. What really significant O words - a huge and very special time in your lives. Wishing you well in your transition, unloading, unpacking, and settling. I read your later post too. Your new home sounds lovely. I will look forward to pictures.

  14. what a great new adventure for you! Outstanding, actually!
