Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Messy Moving Madness!

We're MOVING!! We took a trip to San Fransisco last weekend for an interview. We have been trying and trying to get a job in So. Calif. We sent out tons of resumes. There are lots of jobs for Apt. managers, but they want you to already live in California AND to have a CA drivers license. Living out of state, we didn't even know how it would work out, getting a job without a in-person meeting.
We never even got a call. Then out of the blue we got a call from a very nice man. He said he wouldn't hire us without meeting us. He lives in San Fransisco, 9 hours from us. So, the next day we hopped in the car and headed for this interview. We had a few extra hours so we toured San Fransisco.
We aren't moving to San Fransisco, we're moving to So. California. Yippee!!
Now for the hard part. Parting with treasures! Garage sales, packing. Ugh

Be sure and check out all the other "M"s for Alphabe_Thursday!!
You can find the list at


  1. Congratulations on your new job and your move to so. Cal! Excellent and exciting.

    Pare down as far as you can before you move so that you don't have to pack it.

  2. You'll love it, sugar. Our kids are still in California so we can visit. Good luck!

  3. How exciting. A move means a new start, fresh and adventurous. Enjoy the process.

  4. Sort before you go, it will be easier!! Good luck on this new adventure you are on!

  5. Sounds very exciting. Good luck.

  6. Laurie, you already know how thrilled I have been that this is all coming together for you! My only problem is that I'm going to miss having you so close by. I drove to Salem Hospital yesterday to see my new granddaughter again and as I passed the exit near your home I felt suddenly sad and started missing you. Then I remembered I'll be there with you in just a few days!!! I am really happy that this has all come together and that you are moving forward into a new adventure. Can't wait to hear more!

  7. Oooooooooooh can't wait to hear WHERE in Southern California you will be moving to! I'm in South Orange County, so it would only be right for me to be selfish enough to want you to be close to where I live. *hee hee*

    Wish I could be where you are NOW for that garage sale you're going to be having!

  8. congrats on moving, hope it goes smoothly :D

  9. You'll love SoCal but the packing and Moving are always a challenge. Congrats on the new job.
    The Road to Here

  10. Oh, how fun! How exciting!

    This is going to be a wonderful change for you!

    Maybe some of your treasures can go to your Etsy store. I keep checking but you're holding out on us girl!

    Thanks for a happy and exciting post on my journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "M"!


  11. Wow! The best of wishes to you! I hope everything goes smoothly on your way!

  12. Godmorning, Sweden here....

    I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

    Regards from Agneta

  13. Good luck with the move - it'll seem like madness until you're settled.

  14. oh good luck with the packing and tossing and selling ... its the hard part ... the fun part will be moving to your new home!

  15. Congratulations! Sounds like a great adventure. Good luck with the moving madness. We've lived in the same house for 22 years, the thought of packing just makes me cringe :) Kathy

  16. Congratulations on the good news. It's always nice to be able to move where you want to go. Good luck with the new job!

  17. I wish you all the best in your new place!
