Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"N" Alphabe-Thursday

N....this was an easy one for me this week. N stands for NEW
New job
New town
New place to live
I just got a New computer today, I ordered New glasses at Costco too
there will be New stores to check out
New antique shops, New thrift stores to find, New friends.
What this is....a New start...I'm really excited!! We leave the "old" in one week from today!!
Next week I will have New photos to put on my blog. Be sure and come back
Everything will be New and Fresh!!
Be sure and visit our teacher for other fun "N" posts


  1. I hope you find good things in your new location. Moving can be fun! Joni

  2. Hope all goes well with the is fun to get a New start every few years...enjoy your New place.

  3. Best wishes to you on your move!

  4. You sound really excited about the new move. I hope it's everything your wishing it to be.

  5. Wow that is a lot of new! Many blessing on your new endeavors.

  6. Wow, that is a lot of newness. How fun and exciting!

  7. WOW, we did the same word but differently...
    Funny thing is, I also have a new job in a new town and a new place to live! I'm a follower now cause I need to see where you're going!

  8. wow. that's a lot of new. i think i'm a little jealous. congratulations on the new job. have fun exploring your new place. :] good luck!

  9. Best wishes on your move, i hope you just love your new location!

  10. a new blog to follow . good luck with all your new things in life see you again

  11. I hope "New" is exciting, fulfilling and wonderful!

  12. New is just a fine word. Things just sound special when you add the word new.

  13. And you have friends who will NEVER be far away! And who want to visit and be part of the NEW thrift shops and NEW flea markets. Thanks for such a good time yesterday. Can't wait to hear about your trip and see photos of your NEW place!

  14. What a wonderful new post!

    I'm hoping you might have time for some naology in your new digs!

    What an exciting and hopeful stop on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "N"!

    Don't overdo it, though, girl!


  15. Wow...was not easy opening your blog...but when I finally did I deciced to join it.

    Do not be a bit surprised if you find I steal your background, I have often admired this very one...on other's blogs...I just LOVE IT. But I also love my current colors. ( Oh what is a person to do~ laughing )

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and visiting...please come back soon.
    THE very best of luck with your move....big decision for sure. But I sure a necessary one.


  16. Good luck with all that NEW stuff! Don't forget to breathe!

  17. Enjoy all the new things in your life! :)

  18. What a neat post for N Alphabet Thursday. I hope you like your new location. Stop by to read mine if you get a chance.

  19. Sounds like the beginning of a NEW adventure! I love to go to a NEW place and discover NEW things!

  20. Woooo Little Miss,

    The days are rushing by!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, besides send you tons of love and good chi!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  21. Laurie, so excited for you! New is always good!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  22. This News is so Nice! Nothing like a New place to explore - and a New computer too (on my wish list). Good luck - hope the move goes smoothly.
