Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photoshop Breakfast

Thought I might share breakfast with you. Let me say. I bought my first loaf of Challah Bread
at Trader Joes. It does make delicious french toast...regular toast...not so great, so I decided to turn it into a photo opportunity
I tried layers...that just made the cup look like it was dirty...not the look I was going for...
I used watercolor filters, that made it look like was taken in a dark and dreary room
Here I just soften and added a bit of blur. I like this one. Which one do you prefer?
oh, the jelly....pomegranate.


  1. I like the layers one. It has an antique-y look.

  2. I like the first one, very vintage-y! And, you are doing such wonderful things with PS! Love it!

  3. I love the soft blurry look, I am still trying to figure out how to do this on my Mac....maybe it's just me, I can't figure it out!
    The pineapple tablecloth is very beautiful, did you crochet it? That is my favourite pattern!
    Margaret B

  4. I like that second from the top one, it's very vintage-y
