Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers as we are going through this transition. I'm glad you all are so understanding, I look forward to getting back to my regular blogging. I have cleaned out this computer, it isn't mine, I took out Photoshop and all my photos, I cant wait to take pictures of our new home to show you.
We had a garage sale today. I made enough to pay for the entire move!! whoohoo. I am so tired, but there is something exhilarating about clearing out stuff that I have hung onto for far to long.
Having a little cash coming in, isn't a bad thing either.
I have a few friends coming over this week to see what they might want then I have a gal who said she would take everything that is left
What was interesting about this sale...I just sat out the boxes and boxes of antiques and let people paw through them, nothing was priced. I thought it would be a bad thing, they loved it. I had a few people that stayed for hours.
Have you heard all the buzz about ning? Its really upsetting to a lot of the teachers, sounds like they will have to pay to keep ning going.
Again, thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts!!


  1. Good Luck on your move! It's a good feeling to clean out clutter isn't it? And why move it if you don't have too.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. So glad your garage sale went well - I'm amazed that you made enough to cover your whole move. Looks to me like it's one more piece in the puzzle that God is putting together. You're going to love having a fresh start in your new home without all the things we all think we have to move around the country. Maybe I should pretend like I'm doing the same, put boxes of stuff out and let people at them! What a great idea! Can't wait to hear more about when we get together this week. I'm just SO happy for you!

  3. You are on a roll now Little Miss. Should be all down hill from here :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

    PS. You stinker, my parcel arrived today!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! You are far to good to me little sister!!!

  4. My neighbors always have their yard sales like prices...they just haul it out and wait for offers. I, myself, love going thru boxes to see what treasures I can find in the bottom!

  5. Best of luck with your move!! Happy to hear that you did so well with your garage sale!

  6. Have a good move Laurie- let me know via email what your new mailing address will be and I'll send a cheery banner to you as a housewarming gift!

  7. I don't envy you the move, but I do envy the nice clean start! I'm scrubbing toilets and into corners that hasn't been swept in a year! Thinkin' a new place would be nice!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
