Monday, May 24, 2010

Day at the Beach

We went to a few California Beaches today. We started out at Huntington. Had a wonderful lunch of Fish Tacos, I love them, at Longboards. While sitting there a couple of gals walked by (we were eating outdoors) with rolling carts giving out Snapple's. As she approached us, I asked her
if I could have a Snapple, she said she couldn't give me one as I was "in" a restaurant. I smiled at her, got up as quickly as I could, ran around to the street where she was waiting...She asked if I wanted Holly's drink or Bretts...What??!! She had the drinks that were produced on the cool is that...she gave us one of each. It really is very good.

Then we mosied down to Seal Beach where we got these stunning photos

Stacey took this photo of this surfer, neat huh.

oops, got this in there twice.
Again, we had a wonderful relaxing day.
Sunshine sure makes us feel good!!


  1. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing! Anne

  2. Sounds like loads of fun! So glad you got away to the beach. You're missing all the rain up here! Love those two beaches!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day! Love the pics!

