Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Camera and Bag

Here is my sweet new camera...26X zoom and an extra macro. LOVE IT!!
I went looking for a bag pattern. There are some lovely bags on Etsy
I looked through every pattern book, I didn't want a big bag

I looked at this pattern a couple of times, its found on those staningd racks of patterns.
After the 3rd time of looking at it and reading the measurements I knew it would
work. I brought it home and compared it to bags on the internet...after cutting
out the pattern I took the pattern pieces back to Jo Anns. Everything was on sale...bag cost..
Fabric $6
Pattern $4
strap from the thrift store $1
I plan to make another...changing the pattern to fit my needs a little better.
I made Stacey the big bag, mine is the small size


  1. Your new camera is wonderful! I love your bag - I've been wanting to make a camera bag with just the right pockets and spaces. I haven't looked at patterns yet - yours looks good.

  2. I l.o.v.e. the bag!!!! And, you'll love all the great(er) photos you take..even if that's even possible for you to get better?!

  3. Woooo Hooo Little Miss,

    The new camera has me drooling!!! I want one!!! But I guess I will have to live vicariously through you for a bit. LW will have a brand new RED laptop for Me when he gets home!!! So I guess I won't be to selfish! Sigh...

    The bag turned out great!!! For sure report back after you have test driven it for a while :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  4. What a perfect pattern for the job! Your bag turned out so lovely.
