Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day up in the Mountains

First I want to say....I just found out Pacasa only lets me upload 4 pictures at a more are to come. If there is an easier way to downsize the "size" of a bunch of photos at one time that would be great. So, here we started out at the bottom of the mountains

Here we are at the top, looking was so beautiful and green

We found the greatest antique shop...How fun is this outhouse

Posted by PicasaMore of the Antiques...I'll show you my purchases tomorrow


  1. Oh how fun!! The old mining town "antique" stores are always the best!!! The quirky things you can find in them!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Looks like you had fun! Can't wait to see more.
