Sunday, June 6, 2010

What a day!!

Stacey and I took off this morning to hit the Pasadena Flea market. Last time I went was about 18 years has grown so much...HUGE. My goal wasn't to buy stuff, as it
was to get started on the photography class that I'm taking. The idea is photograph circles
that can show movement and keep your eye coming back into the photo

I don't know if I suceeded but it was fun trying to find round things...harder then you

Love all the round things you can see in this photo, Stacey took this one

This was some yummy orange cupcake...had to buy it to take a photo.. yep, thats why I had to buy it. lol.
Oh, after going to Pasadena, we went to the Irvine Flea Market...we will be going back to that one!!!


  1. See Little Miss just like I said. I'd be ten shades of green once you rediscovered all your old faves and new haunts. But I guess if I have to live vicariously I can't think of another sister I'd rather go with!!!! So glad you guys had a good day of junkin!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Love your photos. I hope Susan has another of these classes as I really want to have the fun you are having with your photos

  3. Great photos - and I had never thought of "rounds" in that way, but you're right! Love this.And the cupcake? perfect!

  4. Looks like you had fun! Love your photos!
