Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last Alphabe-Thursday Post "C"

Our teacher Jenny Matlock at has asked us for one more post
to end our Alphabet, I chose the letter C for COLOR, I love color, guess what is next on
Jennys blog...she is going to give us a COLOR to post about each week! Join in the fun
The above photo was taken at the California Aquarium

This graffiti was at Venice Beach

This beautiful box of color is from Santa Monica

This beautiful Blue Peacock is from the LA Arboretum
What fun we are having down here in California!!!

And then there are the flowers!!!


  1. Over from Alphabe Thursday, and I love colour too. Because of this I'm looking forward to Jenny's new prompts. You obviously love photography and have a real knack for it. I love graffitti walls, and the Parrot picture is so crisp. Have a great colourful day.
    A Canadian Colour lover!

  2. Great photos. Colors of the rainbow. Good job.

  3. Wonderful colors and photos. You're probably all set for the next 7 weeks I'll bet!

  4. Such a pretty post. Wonderful pictures cannot wait to see all the color you are going to share in the future.

  5. I love all the colors and they remind me of you..colorful.. in such a great way!

  6. Beautiful examples of color in life...what a beautiful bird. and the sunflower...nice...bkm

  7. Ohhhh Little Miss how fun the color weeks will be! I can't wait to see what you and your new little camera find!! :)

    Oye I'm sooo sorry for being such a terrible blog sister. Trying to get everything done for the trip north is driving me crazy!!! I leave tomorrow at 2pm so I guess I'll have to be done by then!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  8. What a brightly delicious post to add flavor to our Alphabet Soup this week!

    What beautiful photography. That fruit looks so scrumptious!

    Thanks for a lovely stop this week!


  9. What a brightly delicious post to add flavor to our Alphabet Soup this week!

    What beautiful photography. That fruit looks so scrumptious!

    Thanks for a lovely stop this week!

