Tuesday, July 6, 2010


1) This week our photography class is all about lines. The one above has the horizon line then the wave. But the boat keeps your interest (?)
2) I didn't want ordinary lines...how are these poles, for texture and movement

3) This staircase is my favorite. There are lines everywhere, keeps you looking around.

4) And there this is this building and fence and trees

5) I love this one too. I like how it has lines of the wall/floor behind the gate

6) And lots and lots of poles holding up this pier

7) This has lots of color and lines going all direction.
Now I'm going to ask for your help. Which ones keeps your interest, keeps you
in the photo
I can pick 4 to give to the teacher

8) This has great lines to.
Can you tell I liked going out and finding "lines". They are everywhere
I cant remember how to change the color of my font...can anyone help??

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  1. What a fun project - love all the lines ;-D

  2. Great job with your assignment. I like the pilings in the water, the railroad track and the stairs with the handrail. Which ones are you sending to your teacher?

  3. HI,
    Well I would pick 2,3 and 7. The stairs keep me wanting to know what is up there, the sand is inviting me to take a walk and explore and my favorite is the bench just because its so peaceful.
    What a fun class you are taking. I really need to take a class to learn how to use my silly camera.
    Have a wonderful week,
    hugs, Elizabeth

  4. Hi Laurie, your class is teaching me to view photography in a whole new way! I always love the pics you post! You Rock!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
