Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Bit HOT!!!

Love the sunshine...not a big fan of 107 degrees!!! I wish I could do what Poodie is up to
he LOVEs to climb in the nice cool sink. I used an overlay from Kim Klassen


  1. YIKES!!!!

    And I thought we had it bad today The temp was only 92degrees but the humidity was at 88%!!!! Ahhhhh I think this is what they mean when they say "the dog days of Aug.!! Ya suppose this where the song "Hot August Night" was penned??? :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

    PS I'm thinking you might fit in the nice cool tub better then the kitchen sink...I'm just saying...:)

  2. You have one smart kitty kat! I hate this heat. I am anxious for fall. Anne

  3. Adorable kitty in the sink! We're having a cool spell today, very unusual for August, but I felt like I needed a jacket outside this morning!

    Have a lovely day!

  4. Oh I know..my sister sent me a photo of her outside (in the shade!) thermometer...119 degrees in Arizona at 11am!! YIKES! Come on fall..or move over in that sink.. LOL

  5. Our cat enjoys the same retreat from the heat!
