Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Day in Malibu

Our day was lovely...drove up to Malibu. We couldn't find the restaurant that we wanted to go we stopped some locals and asked them where we should have lunch. They suggested this place....
Cute place, packed with people, small. I was taking a couple pictures of the wall decor, when this lady approached and said " I know you guys are tourists, but can you wait until you are outside to take pictures" What?? Hard to take a picture of the decor when I'm outside. Then we found out what she meant....
Here is the beginning of the story...As we approached the front of this husband laughed and said "hey, that guy is a dead ringer for Arnold Schwarzenegger" I'm like...ya, kinda..but he's to short and little. I heard a guy speak to him. When he spoke, I'm like...silly man, he is even trying to talk like him.
We went in to eat...and we saw this same man saying Hi to everyone as he walked by...I'm thinking...boy, he must come in here a lot...then I looked over to where he sat down...his wife turned around and it was none other then Maria Shriver...yep, 2 tables down. They were having lunch like normal people, with their kids
I blurred their kids faces to protect the Innocent. Now, remember...I have a GREAT zoom,
so we weren't "in their face" I was more excited to see Maria...after all...she is a Kennedy

So, that was our excitement for the day!! I'll be sharing photos of downtown LA tomorrow.


  1. You guys are having WAY too much fun in your new home state! What fun for you to see The Governor and his lady! Did you ever get pictures of the decor? And did you eat there?

  2. How funny about waiting to take the picture.

  3. Oh, Laurie!!! What a hoot! Who cares about the "gubenator" when there is cute decor in the restaurant?? I mean, really!! Was so nice to chat, even if for only a few minutes yesterday. Hugs to y'all! I'm off to read a few of your back posts and get caught up a bit .... Love ya sweetie and wish we could get together for tea! Hugs! Betty :)

  4. hehehe! i LOVE your story! i often wonder if i'd recognize a celebrity if i'd see one.

    i'm told that Richard Gere has a home somewhere near us. if i talked to him in the grocery store, i would probably just think, "hmmm, he looks familiar!" and never know it was him!

    margie :0)
