Sunday, August 8, 2010

Take an LA trip with me??

Another Perfect day in Paradise!!! The weather was warm with a cool breeze. We started out
by having a Delicious lunch here by "The Grove" which is next to the Farmers Market, which is next to CBS.
Then we went to the "Grand Central Market" tons of people, cheap food!! People would sit on these adorable seats

There was a painting on one of the walls, how wonderful is this!!

For one of my photography classes, I am to take an interesting picture of the sky. She lives in New Mexico where the skys are beautiful. Ours are blue...just, to prove that it is the sky and not just a piece of paper. I took this wonderful light fixture
I hope you enjoyed a little piece of my day..


  1. Loved going with you - just wish I was REALLY going with you! What fun things to see.

  2. Thanks for the trip to LA. In the real world I will never get to LA so thanks for my Blogland trip to LA

  3. What fun you are having in your photography class.. We do have some really blue skies in CA. Your photo is beautiful...
    I will be in LA in a few weeks, Simi Valley..
    Have a sweet day, Hugs~Elizabeth

  4. Did you eat at Maggiano's? Love there place in Colorado..Yum-Oh!

    The photos are all great -seems California agrees with you :-)
