Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Weathered wood

A few more photos from the old home. It is interesting...I'm taking another photography class from Jessica. So I am watching the way I photograph something. Which is the reason I had

I had to go back. Sometimes I forget that I need to take "blogging" photos. Like, all these photos are really neat, but as a blogger...didn't you want to see the big picture, the picture of

The whole mansion. Now I can show you the details in a fun way. The steps above were the "fall through" steps
Posted by PicasaAnd this doorway leading outside. I love the old handle and the hole underneath it. I took a close up of it too. I'm looking a the whole picture taking thing, in a new way and it is wonderful.
Tomorrow is another "color" blog with Jenny Matlock,
I need to go check and see what the color will be....see you tomorrow


  1. How terribly sad that is fell into such shape..Gotta love love those old beauties!

  2. Love these pics, Laurie. You are teaching us all an entirely new way of looking at things. I love it!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. Loving your photos. Can't wait to see more of the old mansion! I need to take some classes. It would be fun and good way to 'force' me out of the routine of life with my camera more often.

  4. OMG Little Miss,
    That is some seriously cool patina albeit eye blinding expensive!! You are getting so professional with your photography. You have a real gift to be able to show the emotions&feelings of the scene!! Oh I see some amazing collage projects in your future!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

    PS I'm home!! Yea!!

  5. Great weathered woods,and wonderful pics.


    barbara jean

  6. love the photos of the old mansion Laurie! can't wait to see more of it :)
    have fun in your photography classes! i'm really enjoying learning how to use my "new" camera at the moment :)

  7. That is a really neat looking with the rounded door. Cool.

  8. My favorite was the little boy in the teeshirt. CUTE!!
