Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last day of Our Rainbow Class

Our teacher Jenny Matlock at has done a wonderful job with her class. We have been posting colors of the rainbow all summer long. Today is the last day. BUT, she is going to be starting up her alphabet class again. It is so much fun, I hope you join in.

So, with that said, the above photo makes me a little sad. It was a desert I shared with my blogging friend Susan when we met in person for the first time. He husband passed away yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you Susan.
I love these, flea markets are the best place to take pictures of unusal items.

And best of all, my rainbow colored ferris wheel
I must take a moment here and let you in on my self discovery.
I have been taking on line photography classes. 3 in fact
while the classes have been fantastic, I discovered....
I really dont care about the f stops and the appature....
I know, I know, I should care...but after taking photo after photo learning this stuff,
then I get in a hurry and I use my AUTO...and I really cant tell a differance...
I have learned how to frame a photo, the lighting,( which I cant always contro)l
I've learned sooo much...but, with this new AUTO is fantastic.
I dont have a desire to become a auto is my friend.
It is more important for me to "capture the moment"
then getting the perfect photo.
My photos are for blogging purposes and for sharing my moments with you all.
Tomorrow I will be back with a few photos of our Moutain weekend getaway


  1. those life rings are great. . .

    Isn't it great when you can take a class and decide what you are going to take away and what aren't. Take your photos the way you like. . .I agree AUTO is much easier!

  2. Your photos are great! I firmly believe in auto, he can be a really helpful guy...

    I want a bite of that cake so bad right now,'s almost too pretty to eat....

    Please send my thoughts to your friend Susan, I lost my husband many years ago and I know how awful it is...prayers going out for her..

  3. So sorry for your loss. And yet you managed to pay a lovely tribute here with colorful photos I'm sure she'd enjoy. I sure did.

  4. What kind of point and shoot do you have? I am in the market for a new one.

    And I love your rainbow ferris wheel!


  5. MY AUTO is my friend too. Prayers for your friend!!!

  6. Great photos to end the class with Little Miss!! OH and I have come to the same conclusion about my auto setting.

    I send my thoughts of comfort, courage and strength to dear Susan. As the anniversary of my most dreadful day approaches I know well the unbearable feelings of the loss of my best friend and husband.

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  7. What dear people you are to take time to think of me. I can tell you too, Laurie is a sweetheart. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I do need them right now.

  8. What dear people you are to take time to think of me. I can tell you too, Laurie is a sweetheart. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I do need them right now.

  9. thank you for your post ... i really enjoy my auto and some times feel like such a loser when people ask what fstop or apperature i am setting it at ... now i dont feel so alone ...go auto!!!

  10. Your picture of the dessert makes me hungry!

  11. I'm so sorry about your friends loss.

    Thank you for this wonderful link. Love the ferris wheel picture. It's amazing what auto can create.

    My husband is always dinking around with the settings and I think they are so much better without trying sometimes!

    Thanks for linking.

    This was a fun post.

