Friday, September 3, 2010

Off To The Fair/ Pink Saturday

I took this picture of these fabulous birdhouses on the wall of a Hollywood florist. In honor of Pink Saturday I added a pink cast...below is the original.
Oops, no, I tweeked this one too..added a couple of vintage looking layers. Sorry I couldn't spend more time, Stacey and I are headed to the LA County Fair...its right down the road...It only costs $1 if we go between 10-1...and its suppose to be 114 degrees...ouch!


  1. I hope you had fun at the fair! This heat is unreal! We had a bit of a cool break today not as warm but at my son's cross country meet it felt stifling! The sun was so high and bright! I love those bird houses with their pink cast! Very clever and pretty.Anne

  2. G'morn ~ Have a grand tim eat the fair ... 114 is a wee bit warm.

    Love the churches.

    Have a beautiful & safe holiday weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  3. Love what you did with the photo-it's fun to change the colors-makes things look a lot different!

  4. So very pretty! Happy Pink Saturday ;0)

  5. Oh how fun. My senior mom is having fun with gardening projects and enjoying her delightful Kentucky Red Cardinal birds and is toying with the idea of a birdhouse or two. I know she'd enjoy seeing yours as well. Thank you for sharing them. :)

  6. What a great display! either in pink or originalish!
