Sunday, October 24, 2010

Window Shopping Antique Shops

Went to Orange today. They have the BEST antiques shops. Heres what I fell in love with.
This screw and bolt were sooo large. The screw was about a foot high, Look at that spring!
These were all found at Country Roads
Love copper tea pots. I use to have a collection of them

Loved this booth, so much red goodness

Then this old typewriter...I want it sooo bad, look at those colored keys!


  1. I want that screw and bolt and I have no idea whatsoever what I'd do with it. The typewriter is totally enchanting. Wow.

  2. Oooh, when I visit you could we go to Orange? P-l-e-a-s-e?

    Did you see my two posts about Deepwood. Some of my yellow depression glass is on display there. It looks so fantastic there - now I want a mansion!
