Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bird Painting on my Wall in Progress

For those of you that are new to my blog, a quick update...6 mo. ago we made the descision to move from Oregon to So. California. We love it here, the sun is shining...aaaaah.

Problem: there will more then likely be an earthquake, we dont know when or where...

If I'm in bed...I dont want to be hit by anything hanging above our heads...for 6 mo. I've been living with this delima. One idea, I was going to make one of those white coffee filter wreaths...but thats a bit foofie for me...I'm an artist (that is still so hard for me to say) I havent painted much for the last 8 mo. (exept for the spoons on my header)

I found a little rubber gave us an idea...I love it when ideas land in my hands.!

I'm an apartment, I guess that gives me permission to paint on my walls....With the aid of my daughter...we painted this bird cage above our bed...what does my husband think you may ask...dont ask...ha ha, we've been married for 38 years, so, he has learned to just go with the flow...makes life easy!!!
This week I'm linking up with Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest, and Romantic Home.


  1. great way to go. Love the happy little bird and his sweet little cage.

  2. Hey, wanna come over and paint on mMY walls??!! Tis is sooooo adorable! I just really REALLY love it!

  3. I love the solution to your dilemma! Very clever, my dear! Such a cute little bird and his cage - and you don't have to clean it.

  4. I like your idea of painting something above the bed. I live in earthquake country too, so no way is anything going up there. I really should take down the 2-year old calendar, but I hate the vacant look. So, maybe.

  5. Laurie, you are really the master of painting birds. I love the way you do this...and love the birdcage on the wall.

  6. This is so perfect for a bedroom wall Little Miss. You couldn't help but wake up in a happy mood and a big smile on your face!! :)

    Oh but I'm even happier that you have freed your artist soul to share your incredible gifts with us. You have that rare ability to paint emotions!! And I for one have soooooo missed that!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

    PS Fear not Lit'l Sister you Still Got It!! Plus your art positively glows with the happiness and contentment that has become who you are now!

  7. Love the birdcage idea! Great work and what a fun project.

