Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Latest Acquisitions Letter I

Last weekend I went to an antique mall...never a good thing if you dont want to spend money.
Our sweet kitty wanted in the picture
I found this wonderful old Coke bottle...I dont know how old, but it looked old.
THEN....I found this green scale, and it was 20 percent off...yeaaaa. THEN I found
These adorable leather childrens ice skate...when I picked them up...I knew I could
resale them...on the way home I thought..SALE???? no way, childrens skates are hard to find...
Where is there ice in California!!!
I'm thinking I might give the metal part some glitter...I thought about painting
a little scene on them, but I probably wont
Here's how I bought them..all tied up messy, I put newspaper inside to reform them. I'll be
putting out my painted sled. I sold soooo many sleds in the past, I did keep this one.
The price of reg. old sleds here in Calif...$$$$ I use to buy them for about $10 in Oregon.

Cute buckle. Glitter on the blade?? what do you think??
For my letter this week, "I" I am going with
Ice Scates
Please join other I's at Mrs Matlocks class


  1. I love your new finds but I'm a bit jealous about the skates. I have a wonderful, old wooden sled and would like to have a pair of skates to display on them. Glitter? Nope, not on mine - on yours? You should do what you think fits with you and how you want to use them. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. The skates are great! I've always had a thing for skates hanging by the laces..can't wait to see what you come up with :-)

  3. I have two sleds and I think I may just have to paint them. I love yours, and of course, the skates are just perfection, Char

  4. I think they could probably use a good sharpening but that's about all . They are very cool .

  5. Love your skates...I'm intrigued by the idea of glitter on the blade!

  6. Oh, I'd love those old skates. Very cool!

  7. The sled is absolutely beautiful. I can certainly see why you would sell a lot of them. The skates are cute, too. I must say the cat is my favorite though!


  8. Very cool skates and look in good condition. They will make a neat addition to your sled! Fun Letter I post....like all your other finds too.

  9. What a charming pair of antique ice skates. And they made a super "I" post.

  10. This is the reason I do not go to antique or second hand stores anymore. There is always something there that catches my eye! Great finds!
    Ice skate is an excellent I-word!
    Best wishes,
    Anna's 'I is for Inventor'-JennyM's AT

  11. super ideas . Not sure there is ever much ice in california

  12. those skates are amazing. I would display at the holiday times...I would not sell them

  13. Glitter on the blades absolutely!

    Make sure you let us see the finished result....

  14. Adorable skates. I have a pair and I put then on my sled with a big floppy red bow and lean the sled against the side of the front door for Christmas. Love it!~Ames

  15. The skates are so cute! I'm an L.A. girl too. There's more and more outdoor ice skating venues out here during the winter season. Maybe there will be a market for them!

  16. Love the skates. I think glitter would be cool, especially if you could put it on with water based glue that you could remove later if you got tired of it!

    The sled is soooo neat! I would never have thought to paint on a sled like that. It looks wonderful!

    Thanks for this sweet stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday!

    You have such a good I for cool finds!

