Monday, December 27, 2010

I Got Bit By a Bug...

Have you ever been caught, crouching down low, on the sidewalk, taking a macro shot of
the old wall?? Pretty funny watching peoples reaction.
That bug, its a good one...the crafting bug. I've been waiting for it to hit me, I had 4 days off,
I looked around, poking and proding my crafting things, looking to see what I may have started...this little 4" square popped into my hand, and away I went. What fun I had, paper, glue and paint, what more could a gal ask for...
oh, there is one more thing I could ask online class with Misty Mawn, I'm all signed up
ready to go, only had to get one pencil I had the rest of the supplies. I've heard such wonderful things about her class, I cant wait for it to start.

The next bug that bit me was...sewing. I wanted to try my hand at some free motion stitiching
WHAT FUN. It does work better with the feed dogs (weird name huh) down!!

After stitching, I used So-Soft paints to lightly tint the designs


  1. Oh how much fun you are having after being bitten by that 'creative' bug
    Love it all

  2. Just a quick note to say "hi" and send a hug your way. Was thinking of you while loving my little charms you made. miss you so thought I'd send some hugs your way. You are such a talented sweetie!!!

    Betty :)

  3. Hey Doll
    "Happy New Year!"
    Have a Fab 2011!

  4. I've been wanting to do free motion quilting (I DO NOT quilt..just to be clear!) So, I need a special foot, right? I'll have to really look for one - do they all fit any machine? Anyway, LOVED what your did..can you ship your "bug" across state lines to my house??
