Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rain Update

I am sooo concerned. We are to have a HUGE amount of rain between midnight and 7 AM
Im concerned for the tenants that are in low areas, that the rain may get so high as to go in their apartments, I'm concerned for the tenants that live underneath another apartment, the upper decks are causing water to drip down and causing dripping water, inside the apartment. We are buying tarps to help this, but will it help??? ugh! To get from their carport to their apartment they HAVE to go through a river of water run off.
Enough of the rain problems...the good news...oh my goodness, We got a bonus check from our boss, he is the most kind and generous soul and he gave us a HUGE raise. We are so blessed
that we made this move and found this job. Everyone said "when things are right, they will work out" and boy howdie, have they ever.
Exept for the rain, now remember, I'm from Oregon, born and raised, you'd think some rain wouldn't get to me, BUT, Californias didn't build for heavy rains. They don't know how to drive!!
And the umbrellas, thats the big joke, a true Oregonian doesn't carry around an umbrells, ever!
In Calif, you don't see anyone without an umbrella.lol.
Another funn..., a lot of gals (ok, me too) are still in flip flops, you're going to get we anyway.lol
I cant give them up...its not cold, just wet.
Just as a reminder, in case you are new to visiting me, I'm an apartment manager.


  1. Well, we're from California also, sugar, but I don't think I used an umbrella. We had so much rain in the mid 60s that the people above us in our back yard (we were on a hill with the backyard being maybe 20' higher than us) collapsed and drove a log through our little rental cottage. Thank goodness my kids weren't out there or they would have been buried under the mud. We had to find another place to live and quickly. Wettest winter we ever had in California!
    xoxo and GOOD LUCK!!

  2. Oh my..I guess I shouldn't complain..we have snow..but no one ever sang.."I'm dreaming of a WET Christmas"!
    Stay dry Ms. Manager..oh..that didn't come out right..sounds like mismanagement..no..I mean Mrs. Mgr!!

  3. Although I would love some rain, the same thing happens here in Kuwait, so I dread the rainy season. We had a huge leak last year in the kids bedroom ceiling. The owner said he would fix the roof over the summer but he didn't do a thing. Rain and snow surely have hit some areas hard of late. Stay safe! Best wishes, Tammy

  4. We still enjoying dry days here in Oregon but the rain is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Stay safe, my friend. Enjoy your flip flops!

  5. Hope everything is ok and everyone safe.We might possibly get snow Christmas. Unusual if we do.
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Yes Laurie, it does rain in Southern California! And when it does, it rains ALOT! Hope all is going well and you are getting a break from it! Just stopped by to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas....
