Friday, December 24, 2010

With Coffee and Camera

This is what I'm talking about!!! Sunny California on Dec. 24~ Ya~hoo!

I woke up before the family and decided to take a little drive around our neighborhood.
With a cuppa Coffee and Camera
I thought I'd show you what I saw on my adventure
Snow Capped Mountains

Such beauty

This is right outside our door.
Sunny California...Delightful!!!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday to all
my blogging friends!!!


  1. Gorgeous! What a great Christmas present - no rain and blue skies. Enjoy every minute of the sunshine, my friend. Have a wonderful Christmas. Your friendship is a treasured gift to me.

  2. What a lovely stop today. Gorgeous pictures. Sending holiday blessings and wishes for joy and peace your way.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

    Your pictures are lovely - but I'll take my White Christmas any time.

    Penny, Sir Knight and Genghis Khat

  4. Hello Lit'l Miss!!!

    How exciting, your first Christmas in your new home&life!! I am so proud of you. You have done soooo much growing this year! Have a very wonderful holiday and oh so many more!!!

    Wishes to you, DH. and Stacy!!
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  5. Beautiful pics! So nice to see warm weather even if it is through the computer!

