Sunday, April 24, 2011

Huntington Beach Weekend

We were asked if we wanted to stay in a beautiful condo and house sit our friends dog.
We jumped at the opportunity. Such piece and tranquility. The sunsets were so beautiful.
to watch the pelicans fly so gracefully

A broken leaf waiting to have its picture taken

I could live at the beach! What a contrast to Oregon Beaches

I took 32 pictures of this lady as she was playing with her dog. I see a painting

in my future

We took a long bike ride on the beach path

had dinner out at a nice eatery

Just to get away


Then I found this perfect dandelion.

And to top it off, when I got home I went to pick

up my brand new laptop. ohhhh it feels soooo good and clean!


  1. Sounds like an absolutely glorious time. We have nothing but dust on this side of the world. Your images are lovely and inspiring. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. That leaf reminds me of a heart! I'm allergic to dandelions but they have always intrigued me!

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. Hi Laurie, it looks like life is treating you well - I do miss having a spring (it snowed again today!) Love, love love your Easter bunny's - they are precious! I'd like to see the painting of the lady on the beach when you finish it! Have a great week,
