Sunday, May 22, 2011

A little hiking

It was suppose to be raining this morning. It cleared up and was beautiful, so about 2:00 my husband suggested we go for a little hike. We go about 15 min. from where we live. Hope you enjoy our trip. I love these three plants all lined up.

Didn't see this on the way, but on the way back, there it was, how neat is that!

It's such a treat to see this red color laying on the ground, growing out of nothing.

The view. Layers and layers of hills

My idea on this hike was to be aware of what nature is doing. This photo intreaged me.

Then the flowers, growing out of rocks

I didn't even notice the little bugs.

My plan is to sketch and water color all these little flowers

Yellow California Poppies, popping out of rocks

Hope you enjoyed our trip

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