Thursday, May 26, 2011


Whoo hoo, I did it, I just signed up for a one day class with Pam Garrison! It would have been nice to get into her class at Jenny Doh's, but I didn't find out about it until it was sold Pam is going to do a class Malibu!!..I'm so excited! A day of doodling and painting, what more could a girl want! I'm taking the Sunday Class.

I have a question...I need to get out an exersise, I've tried walking, I just dont stick with it. I don't want to go to a gym, so I'm thinking of getting a bike. there are lots of neighborhoods nearby that I can ride in,
I just dont know what bike to get...I'm thinking of a "beach cruiser" with 3 gears. Anybody have one???

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