Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh What Two Girls and a Pood can do

It started with this table that was given to me, its an Ethan Allen, so I knew it was a good table. But the top was this HEAVY laminate.
I got the wood, an new chop saw and away I went,
chop chop chop

I took the legs off, I wanted the length shorter, so I did some cutting

Yes, I did this all in the dining room

Here's Pood, he's a big helper

A little white, a little yellow, a little blue, then a bit of spray bronze.

now I must say Stacey...did all the painting, it was fun to see what she would do.

(Stacey is my 29 year old daughter, who is such a decorator)

Then...We decided to make the table look like an old postcard. I got the idea from

Graffic Fairy

Stacey took a bowl , wrapped blue table around the lip then took black paint

and put this on the blue tape. Turning it upside down it made a great circle.

Then did the same to make a smaller circle.

Rubber stamps to do the writing in the circle.

A little writing and swirly stamps...sanding them down to make them look old

We had the top all done, not the we turned it upside down and sprayed the legs

with flat black and then sanded the edges, then she sprayed it with bronze

Here it is in the dining room, we have to work on the chairs tomorrow.

next...a coffee table!
Stacey did such a great job, its just what I wanted...Thank you, Love you!!


  1. Laurie~
    That table is beAuTifUl!!! I just love it...and also the beautiful bird tag I received in my tag book from you. It is just lovely....I love the watercolor pretty. Thanks again.

  2. Wow!! AmaZinG!!! I love the old postcard look...genius!

  3. I love what you did with this table! You two are so talented!
