Monday, August 15, 2011

Another great weekend

Had another fun weekend. On Monday Stacey and I went to Venice Beach. I love how she blends in with the graffiti.
I dont know who this gal is, but I wanted to show this face that was put on the wall with spray paint, incredible
We have been wanting to try a crepe, never had one, this was scrambled eggs, avocado and spinach. it wasn't great
Here is a post that was painted
Staceys pointing at the post...its behind the guy
Here we go, this was sundays class with Pam. She was delightful and informative. I didn't do much but listen and learn and take in all the info
I learned so much, there will be more art in my future for sure
Here is the wonderful building we were in, with windows overlooking....
This, Malibu, beautiful
A wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip! I love crepes but I like the traditional ones. My SIL was here for the 4th of July and made lemon crepes. They were divine! I also love blintzes. Ricotta with lemon and other yummy ingredients. Topped with blueberries or cherries or strawberries. Yum!
    I love the art and the dress blending with the graffiti! Some graffiti is actually beautiful isn't it?
