Saturday, August 6, 2011

I just visited an etsy shop where she had pages and pages of her artwork. It was quite interesting, all looking a bit the same. she diffentantly has her own "style" It got me to I always trying something new because I'm looking for MY OWN STYLE? I dont know...I don't think so. I think I just enjoy the learning process of something new. I am always looking for that "next" new thing to try.
I just picked up Stephanie Lees Plaster Studio book, I chose not to take her online class, her books are so good, I want to try it on my own. I have to many "irons in the fire" this mo. So I'm making a date with myself to give this plaster thing a try. I did buy all the supplies so I'm ready.

One of my husbands best friends dad died yesterday, he was my husbands first boss and they were very close, Dean was able to be with him up to the end. It brought back memories of when his own dad died. Its so hard.

I got a piece of glass cut for the top of my Postcard table, I plan to put some old postcards and letters under the glass, I thought that would be fun. Maybe even a piece of old lace, um, I guess a bit of a collage on a grand I cant wait to get started on

I bought some new creative paperclay to make some more "dolls" Michaels has quit carrying it, so I HAD to go to Dick Blick...which by the way "Dick" is not to be found...I guess its just called Blick. I just love a good art supply store!.

This was part one of my post, I'll be back after my Copic workshop

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a style or a color range. When I see bloggers that do, it looks nice to see all the pictures in the same theme and format, but there's no way I could do that. My home is electic and everything I do is just rather fly by the seat of my pants. Sounds like you are trying lots of new things. Have fun! Tammy
