Friday, October 21, 2011


I'm not a big fan of stress, it got a hold of me this week. Not good. We fired our maintenance guy, he was angry, it is so scarey this day and age, you never know how people are going to react. We did find one guy out of 200 applicants, we hired him today.

We had a major leak in the pipe under our shower, thankfully after 2 hours it was fixed without to much damage. ugh

Stacey had another job interview, 30 min away, now we wait

Stacey and I went out to dinner when we walked in, there was a sign saying Gorden Ramsey had just done his show Kitchen Nightmares. The place was packed, the decor was great, but, there wasn't any vegetarian dishes. we had a couple of appetizers, cant wait to see it on TV, they said it could be from 3 mo to a year before it is shown.

I need to get some crafting in, its driving me crazy

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