Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was visiting a bead shop yesterday and she mentioned in passing that she bought something at Hobby Lobby. I'm thinking she just got back from a trip or something, so I asked her where she went...Rancho Cucamonga...WHAT??! NO, What?? She said "oh yes, they just opened a Hobby Lobby" Guess what I did on my over extended lunch break today! YES, my first trip EVER to a Hobby Lobby, I'm in love, and also a bit broke! Its fabulous, no wonder everyone talks about it.

Just want to let any of you Oregonians know that Oregon wont let them in, but it is real similar to Craft Warehouse, but about 4 times bigger then the one in Salem

Used the 40% coupon. I'll be going back, I didn't make it to the fabrics or the art supplies...I know, I should have headed right there, but I was hyperventilating about then.


  1. Lucky You!! I would love to go to Hobby Lobby! Of course Oregon won't let them in!! What's new?? LOL! Craft Warehouse is my fav & I go to the Salem one any chance I get!

  2. Goodness, your life will never be the same. Hobby Lobby & Michaels are my fav stores for craft items and just goodies in general!

    Hope you had a great Halloween!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. I know huh..! We finally got one near us and I LOVE it {must stay away..must stay away..) And I ALWAYS use the 40% off :-) Enjoy!

  4. I could not begin to count the hours spent browsing Hobby Lobby and Michaels.Love them both.

  5. Oh, ouch! Oregon won't let them in? No wonder we don't have them up here. I just read that a friend from your area is going to HL today. And I was a bit jealous. So, guess where what you need to add to our plans for whenever I get down your way to visit! Now I need to find out where Craft Warehouse is in Salem - I'm headed there on Tuesday to help at our favorite Victorian mansion. Maybe a stop at CW is in my future!
