Sunday, December 25, 2011

Cupcake Wars Rob Machado Guest Judge

Had such a nice peaceful day. We have no family down here, Dean and I took a very long bike ride with the sun on our back...74 degrees. aaaah. What a
The reason I'm posting tonight...I am sooo excited. I am watching cupcake wars "surfs up" and I got so excited when I recognized the guest judge. Rob Machado. Here's why, a couple years ago when Stacey and I came down to Huntington Beach for vacation. We just happened to hit it when the US OPen Surfing...we were starving, so we stopped in one of the outside restaurants "Longboard" The city was bumper to bumper people. We finally got a table...a table for four..all of a sudden this guy and his son asked if they could join us. We said yes and they jumped over the fence to sit at our table. People were say hi to him...he mentioned that he might be a little famous and we laughed...We never got his name, he did say his picture was on a poster on the surf shop...He is also a Hurly model... anyway...what fun to see him on Cupcake Wars...he really IS famous, computers are great...we were able to google him.
Thought I would share my story

1 comment:

  1. How fun! It is great to have encounters that stick with you!
    Hugs, Lisa
