Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fun Day

Yippee for Dick Blick Art Store!! Drove into Pasadena, 50% off these two books...I used my 40% off coupon on the letter stencil.I signed up for Joanna Sharpe's Letter class in Feb. Its not to late to sign up...I want to make some little journals so you cant have to much paper!!
oh lookie what Stacey found at a garage sale...another retro chair...for a whoppen $2
Shes already gotten the pad off and ripped out the old cane, filled the holes.
It will be fun to see how she changes it. (she thinks she may have an "old chair" addiction!lol)

My boss is coming to town tomorrow, I'm making sure everything
looks clean and you do that?
I went and bought a bunch of new flowers, got them planted
dusted off the mailboxes (I'm an apt. manager)
hosed down the entryway.
Made sure my paperwork is all filed.
whew! lol


  1. i love dick blick, i have one about 5 minutes away from where i live, its so expensive though.

  2. I would like to see the after picture of the chair..I love finding something for $2 and making it fabulous!!
    Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami
