Sunday, March 4, 2012

Going Loose

It was hard for me, I'm trying to loosen up...loose and was so much fun


  1. Good Morning Laurie Sweetie...
    Oh what a gorgeous share this morning. I love you loosening up and your BLOOM project is just gorgeous. Love the coloring that you chose for the flowers. Just so SPRING.

    Thank you for sharing dear one. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. It's FAB Laurie!!! Love it, looks like you really enjoyed loosening up.
    I've left you a reply on my blog, let me know if you got notified of my reply comment. Just started using the reply function under comments.... N xo

  3. Your designs and colors always make me smile...what a great way to start the day. I am constantly amazed by your rock!

  4. Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog today! Your work for Alisa's class is gorgeous. Did you know that this month's theme at The Sketchbook Challenge is flowers? This sketch is perfect to add!
